It’s no surprise that money is often a big factor when choosing where to study abroad in Australia. Between travel, tuition fees and the cost of living in the destination you decide on, expenses can really vary. Fortunately there are a number of ways to help manage costs and make your study abroad experience surprisingly affordable.  In Australia, most universities have a set tuition fee regardless of how many courses you take, however the programs listed below offer a lowered tuition if you take just three courses instead of four.

Receive a tuition discount for Griffith University, Gold Coast campus
Griffith University, Gold Coast campus

Australia Programs that offer tuition savings

Study abroad with the below programs and pay a lower tuition when you enroll in three instead of four classes.
University of Western Australia, Perth
University of Technology, Sydney
University of New South Wales, Sydney
University of Sydney
Macquarie University, Sydney
Deakin University, Melbourne
Monash University, Melbourne
Griffith University – Gold Coast and Griffith University Brisbane
QUT University, Brisbane

Three courses is equivalent to 9 – 12 U.S. credits so, depending on your home university’s credit transfer policy, you can often still meet your minimum course load requirement. Check in with your study abroad office on the minimum number of courses/credit you can take abroad.

Study abroad tuition discount available for Deakin University, Melbourne campus
Deakin University, Melbourne campus

combine studying abroad with an internship

You can also consider taking three courses plus an internship that TEAN can help place you in. With this option, you reduce your costs while also boosting your resume – win win!

Study abroad tuition discount for Macquarie University, Sydney
Macquarie University, Sydney

Have a question about studying abroad in Australia or want to learn more about the lower tuition rates? Contact one of our Program Managers for more details.